Rediscover your sense of Creativity and Fun
Feel like you’ve lost that creative edge? Lost your ability to play? Has modern technology replaced human interaction? Want to be a better actor? Then this group is for you.
No matter what level you’re at, Improv can help boost your confidence, improve your communication skills, and facilitate learning trust. As a bonus, you gain camaraderie and friendship by working together as a team. And for you actors, who among you haven’t had things go wrong on the stage? Improv helps you to think on your feet for those terrifying moments. Perfect for those people who are looking to keep up their improv skills and learn new skills, who want to learn comedy or simply try something new in a fun and supportive environment.
Everything I needed to get ahead at work, I learned at Improv
Improv is a great resource for professionals of every type. The same principles that make someone a good improv player can also be applied to your professional life. Improv skills can help you get ahead at work. Learn skills that will make you better at public speaking, creative problem solving, get you out of your comfort zone and think on your feet. All levels welcome.